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美国州名 美国州名英文 州名简写和简称 首府 首府英文名

阿拉巴马州 Alabama AL 蒙哥马利 Montgomery

阿拉斯加州 Alaska AK 朱诺 Juneau

阿利桑那州 Arizona AZ 菲尼克斯 Phoenix

阿肯色州 Arkansas AR 小石城 Little?rock

加利福尼亚州 California CA 萨克拉门托 Sacramento

科罗拉多州 Colorado CO 丹佛 Denver

康涅狄格州 Connecticut CT 哈特福德 Hartford

特拉华州 Delaware DE 多佛 Dover

佛罗里达州 Florida FL 塔拉哈西 Tallahassee

乔治亚州 Georgia GA 亚特兰大 Atlanta

夏威夷州 Hawaii HI 檀香山火努鲁鲁 Honolulu

爱达荷州 Idaho ID 博伊西 Boise

伊利诺斯州 Illinois IL 斯普林菲尔德 Springfield

印第安纳州 Indiana IN 印第安纳波利斯 Indianapolis

爱荷华州 Iowa IA 得梅因 Des?Moines

堪萨斯州 Kansas KS 托皮卡 Topeka

肯塔基州 Kentucky KY 法兰克福 Frankfort

路易斯安那州 Louisiana LA 巴吞鲁日 Baton?Rouge

缅因州 Maine ME 奥古斯塔 Augusta

马里兰州 Maryland MD 安纳波利斯 Annapolis

马萨诸塞州 Massachusetts MA 波士顿 Boston

密歇根州 Michigan MI 兰辛 Lansing

明尼苏达州 Minnesota MN 圣保罗 St.?Paul

密西西比州 Mississippi MS 杰克逊 Jackson

密苏里州 Missouri MO 杰斐逊城 Jefferson?City

蒙大拿州 Montana MT 海伦娜 Helena

内布拉斯加州 Nebraska NE 林肯 Lincoln

内华达州 Nevada NV 卡森城 Carson?City

新罕布什尔州 New?hampshire NH 康科德 Concord

新泽西州 New?jersey NJ 特伦顿 Trenton

新墨西哥州 New?mexico NM 圣菲 Santa?Fe

纽约州 New?York NY 奥尔巴尼 Albany

北卡罗来纳州 North?Carolina NC 纳罗利 Raleigh

北达科他州 North?Dakota ND 俾斯麦 Bismarck

俄亥俄州 Ohio OH 哥伦布 Columbus

俄克拉荷马州 Oklahoma OK 俄克拉何马城 Oklahoma?City

俄勒冈州 Oregon OR 塞勒姆 Salem

宾夕法尼亚州 Pennsylvania PA 哈里斯堡 Harrisburg

罗得岛州 Rhode?island RI 普罗维登斯 Providence

南卡罗来纳州 South?carolina SC 哥伦比亚 Columbia

南达科他州 South?dakota SD 皮尔 Pierre

田纳西州 Tennessee TN 纳什维尔 Nashville

得克萨斯州 Texas TX 奥斯汀 Austin

犹他州 Utah UT 盐湖城 Salt?Lake?City

佛蒙特州 Vermont VT 蒙彼利埃 Montpelier

弗吉尼亚州 Virginia VA 里士满 Richmond

华盛顿州 Washington WA 奥林匹亚 Olympia

西弗吉尼亚州 West?Virginia WV 查尔斯顿 Charleston

威斯康辛州 Wisconsin WI 麦迪逊 Madison

怀俄明州 Wyoming WY 夏延 Cheyenne





1. 帮写一篇英语的文章有关于香蕉的 不要太长不要太短

Banana Banana is the mon name for herbaceous plants of the genus Musa and for the fruit they produce. They are native to the tropical region of Southeast Asia, and are likely to have been first domesticated in Papua New Guinea. Today, they are cultivated throughout the tropics. Banana plants are of the family Musaceae. They are cultivated primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent for the production of fibre and as ornamental plants. As the banana plants are normally tall and fairly sturdy, they are often mistaken for trees, but their main or upright stem is actually a pseudostem. For some species, this pseudostem can reach a height of up to 2–8 m, with leaves of up to 3.5 m in length. Each pseudostem can produce a bunch of green bananas, which when ripened often turn yellow or sometimes red. After bearing fruit, the pseudostem dies and is replaced by another. The banana fruit grow in hanging clusters, with up to 20 fruit to a tier (called a hand), and 3–20 tiers to a bunch. The total of the hanging clusters is known as a bunch, or mercially as a "banana stem", and can weigh from 30–50 kg. The fruit averages 125 g, of which approximately 75% is water and 25% dry matter content. Each individual fruit (known as a banana or 'finger') has a protective outer layer (a peel or skin) with a fleshy edible inner portion. Both skin and inner part can be eaten raw or cooked. Western cultures generally eat the inside raw and throw away the skin while some Asian cultures generally eat both the skin and inside cooked. The fruit typically has numerous strings (called phloem bundles), which run beeen the skin and inner part. The inner part of the mon yellow dessert variety splits easily lengthwise into three strips. Bananas are a valuable source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. Bananas are grown in at least 107 countries. In popular culture and merce, "banana" usually refers to soft, sweet "dessert" bananas. The bananas from a group of cultivars with firmer, starchier fruit are called plantains. Bananas may also be cut and dried and eaten as a type of chip. Dried bananas are also ground into banana flour. Although the wild species have fruits with numerous large, hard seeds, virtually all culinary bananas have seedless fruits. Bananas are classified either as dessert bananas (meaning they are yellow and fully ripe when eaten) or as green cooking bananas. Almost all export bananas are of the dessert types; however, only about 10–15% of all production is for export, with the United States and European Union being the dominant buyers. 文章比较长,不过绝对质量一流,用了不少的数据和资料~~~楼主嫌太长的话可自行删减。


2. 用香蕉的英文写一篇作文三十个字

If you want to make a banana milk shake,let me tell you .First ,peel three bananas .Then, cut up the bananas and put the bananas ice cream into the blender.Next,pour the milk into the blender.Then ,turn on the blender.After a few minutes,you can drink your banana milk shake.I think it will delicious.Do you agree with me?。

3. 写香蕉的英语作文80词左右

If you want to make a banana milk shake,let me tell you .First ,peel three bananas .Then, cut up the bananas and put the bananas ice cream into the blender.Next,pour the milk into the blender.Then ,turn on the blender.After a few minutes,you can drink your banana milk shake.I think it will delicious.Do you agree with me?。

4. 香蕉的英语怎么写


一、读音:英 [b?'nɑ?n?] 美 [b?'n?n?]


三、例句:The banana is her favorite fruit.





2、说“…根香蕉”可直接使用数词;“一根香蕉”可说a/one banana;“一串香蕉”可用bunch, cluster, hand等。


a bunch of bananas 一串香蕉

a cluster of bananas 一串香蕉

a hand of bananas 一串香蕉

5. 香蕉你个芭乐 用英语怎么说

o words:"FUCK YOU"

three words:"go *** yourself"

four words:"suck my dick, at"

five words:"you *** elly munist cock sucker"

xxxx words: "Hey, you mother *** er, you know what, you're just a *** ing penguin ass licker who licks sorry ass for the *** ing penguins. and you know what's ironic? those sweet penguines ain't even pay you for licking their ass coz they're bloody much *** arter than you, you *** ing dumb little *** ! you''re meant to be a *** ing ass licker you know, you licked your mom's ass the day you slipped out from your mom's dirty *** elly virgina. when you were 12, you wrote o *** ing words on your forehead which're "ass licker". you were too afraid to let those o treasure words fade away so you carve'em with a knife, you freaky son of a bitch. And now, even your mom calls you "sweet heart the ass licker". alright, please *** off before i slam that *** face of ya! you *** ing douchebage piece of shit!"

hope you like my dirty words, have a nice day!

6. 香蕉用英语怎么写





n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻


Which one do you like, the banana or the orange?





n. (马)香蕉


Among the other ice creams to be served are several alcohol-based flavours like French fruit and herb liquor Pisang Ambon.









We saw many banana trees, coconut trees and flowers there.


How much is the pisang?


7. 香蕉的英语怎么写


二、banana [b?'nɑ?n?]

n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻

n. (Banana)人名;(葡、津)巴纳纳


1. 香蕉通常按重量卖。

Bananas are usually sold by weight.

2. 香蕉、葡萄、苹果、雏菊--这几样东西哪一样与众不同?

Banana, grape, apple, daisy which of these is the odd one out?

3. 我真倒霉,踩在香蕉皮上滑倒了。

I was unlucky to slip on a banana skin and fall over.

4. 这些腐烂的香蕉发出难闻的气味。

These rotting bananas are giving off a bad *** ell.

5. 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。

The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap.

6. 大蕉类似于香蕉。

A plantain is similar to a banana.
