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2012**英文简介 带翻译



2012**英文简介 DIRECTED by Roland Emmerich

and starring John Cusack and Amanda Peet

2012 tells of a natural disasters foretold by the ancient Mayan calendar. Sun storms are affecting the Earth

culminating in tsunamis

earthquakes and volcanoes. In 2009

an American geologist Adrian Helmsley travels to India to meet his friend Satnam

who has discovered that neutrinos from a massive solar flare have perated the Earth and are causing the temperature of its core to increase rapidly. Adrian returns to Washington to inform the White House Chief of Staff and US President that this will instigate a chain of events that will bring about the end of the world. Jackson Curtis is a writer in Los Angeles who works part time as a limousine driver for a Russian billionaire. His ex-wife Kate and their children live with her new boyfriend

plastic surgeon and *** pilot Gordon. Jackson takes the kids and meets Charlie Frost

a radio show host and conspiracy theorist

supports a theory that suggests the May predicted the world would e to an end in 2012. 两篇特别精彩内容100-150字 The family returns home as cracks begin to develop along the San Andreas Fault in California. Jackson rents a private plane to rescue his family and Gordon. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and millions begin dying in apocalyptic earthquakes worldwide. They meet Yuri

his in sons

girlfriend Tamara

and pilot Sasha and head across the Pacific. To learn their fate and that of the rest of the world

we suggest you see this movie packed with special effects although sadly lacking in storyline.

参考: euroweeklynews/features/film-review/2012

sonypictures/movies/2012/ 呢到个官网黎 有简介架。。。

剧情附会由古代马雅人历法纪元终结而衍生的末日预言,描述公元2012年时发生应验该预言的全球性天灾。[2]由于超强太阳活动,触发地幔异变,导致地壳结构剧烈变化,人类文明及地表生态即将遭受极大冲击。 剧变爆发前三年,一位印度的科学家在一座矿井里发现了一个可怕的事实,由于受到太阳活动的影响,地壳内部的温度在迅速升高。这位印度科学家将这件事告诉美国科学参事安达瑞。安达瑞觉得此事非同小可,便将此事上报给美国 *** 。美国总统及八大工业国领袖证实上述危机后,多国 *** 随即联手展开应变措施,但同时对公众严格保密。剧变前夕,美国失意作家兼俄罗斯富商尤里的私人司机的杰克森(约翰·库萨克饰)带他一对子女前往黄石公园旅游,发现有着一段美好回忆的湖泊已经干涸,而这个地区也已经成为 *** 的秘密地质监测设施,他们也因闯入禁区而被军方逮捕。然而在基地中杰克森碰到了一位读过自己作品的地质学家安达瑞,在他的帮助下杰克森和两个孩子被很快释放了。在夜晚露营时,杰克森从一位坚信阴谋论及末世论的私营电台主持人处,得知关于 *** 应变计画的「情报」(谣言)。[3] 当杰克森与亲人设法逃离因地壳剧变而没入海中的加州时,各国领袖亦启动机密应变机制。在超级天灾席卷全球之际, *** 要员、科学家、平民、富豪……,纷纷开始为自身或他人的生存倾力一搏……

The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Due to solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate. This results in a series of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos, such as California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, shifting of the continents by crustal displacement, and Megatsunami impacts along every coast line on the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue.


The Mayans predict the world is ending on December 21st, 2012. The government hides the end of days and once the secret is out, it’s a mad race to survival headquarters。

It’s clear, 2012 is no Independence Day or The Day After Tomorrow, two films that were directed by Roland Emmerich, who also directed this film. 2012 is another tale of global destruction that we have all witnessed before, but this time it’s padded with Sony PSP-like special effects, not-even-bad-enough-to-be-camp dialogue and a nap-inducing running time of 158 minutes. 2012 is a gargantuan mess.


In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) travels to India to meet his friend Satnam, who has discovered that neutrinos from a massive solar flare have penetrated the Earth and are causing the temperature of its core to increase rapidly. Adrian returns to Washington D.C. to inform White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser (Oliver Platt) and US President Thomas Wilson (Danny Glover) that this will instigate a chain of events that will bring about the end of the world. At the 36th G8 summit in 2010, other heads of state and heads of government are made aware of the situation. They collaborate to begin a secret project intended to ensure the continuity of human life, strategically choosing 400,000 people for admission on a series of gigantic arks to be constructed in the Himalayas. To help fund the venture, additional individuals are allowed to purchase tickets for one billion euros apiece.

In 2012, Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) is a writer in Los Angeles who works part time as a limousine driver for Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate (Amanda Peet) and their children Noah and Lily live with her new boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot Gordon. Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, a radio show host and conspiracy theorist. Charlie supports a theory that suggests the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and claims he has knowledge of the ark project and possesses a map of the arks' location. The family returns home as cracks begin to develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and earthquakes occur in the San Francisco Bay area. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a private plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and they escape Los Angeles as it collapses into the Pacific Ocean.
